Queen Elizabeth N/P & Isasha Sector

Queen Elizabeth National Park Facts

Queen Elizabeth National Park one of the Largest in Uganda at 1978 km2 area and Located at the base of the Majestic Mountain Rwenzori which drains in Lake George which later deposits its waters in Lake Edward using the Kasinga Channel Connection.Few reserves in the world enjoy such biodiversity with landscape including Savannah,Bushland,Wetlands and Lush forest and lies across the Equator.Like Murchison it is home to a profusion of game  count of up to 95 mammal species and a staggering 600 Species of Bird most of which are found along the Kazinga Channel and Kasenyi sector with better chances of spotting safari favorites including Lions,Elephants,Giraffe,Buffalo,Warthogs,Antelopes,Hippos. Most lodges here offer private safari tent which can be rolled up on raised wooden  floors with Canvas from which you can seat comfortably watching the plains of the Savannah with breath taking scenery

Nothing but breathing the air of Africa, and actually walking through it, can communicate the indescribable sensations.”

Attraction & Activities

Although this park is known for its remarkable wildlife numbers,There is more to explore in this reserve than any other in Uganda and Africa at large especially in Mweya Peninsular and kazinga Channel which is the tourism hub of this game park with huge wildlife count. Other amazing activities include Chimpanzee tracking in Kyambura Gorge,Forest Walk in Kyambura,Guided nature walks in Maramagambo forest,Birding and visiting Katwe Salt lake

Isasha Sector is located along the Bwindi route however this is this gem is known for its prides of tree climbing lions that have left most tourists wanted to see by themselves and calling it the highlight of any tour to Queen Elizabeth National Park.Other animals can also be found here but since the tour begins from Kasenyi,it is believed that by the time tourists reach this protected area they must have seen enough of wildlife but yearning to see Lions on tree branches

How to Get There

Like many routes in Uganda,a road trip to Queen Elizabeth is enjoyable.Two routes run from Kampala to Mweya ,the primary tourism hub of this park although the most scenic is the Kampala Via Fort Portal and the other being Kampala Mbarara Bushenyi especially for tourists coming from Lake Mburo National Park. Scheduled flights are also available from Entebbe Airport or Kajjansi Air strip to Isasha Airstrip

1,978 km²
95 Species
600 Species
Uganda Wildlife Authority
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