Visit Murchison Falls National Park

This natural wonder lies in this park where the mighty River Nile squeezes into a gorge of 5 meters which produces a glorious waterfall and the thunderous roar thematized in the rainbow before it finds its way back into the Albert Lake
Murchison Falls National Park Facts

Murchison falls national park is Uganda’s largest Conservation at an area of 3,893 Square Kilometres and it is also one of the Oldest protection areas although during to the civil war of 1990’s Tourism in the Park was slightly minimal but since restoration of peace in Northern Uganda,this gem has revived its glory for being the most gifted and beautiful destination safari lovers cant miss on any tour in Uganda due to its massive wildlife and the spectacular Murchison falls on River Nile from which the park gets its name. Originally its was known as Kabalega national Park a title given to the Kings of Bunyoro Kingdom,but currently Karuma and Kabalega National Park are managed jointly as Murchison Falls National Park

Tourist Attractions in Murchison Falls N/P

The Victoria Nile bisects the Park into the Northern and southern Bank all known for different activities and attractions. The Budongo Forest which can be accessed  through the Masindi gate is known for Chimpanzees and the ideal spot  for ape lovers who may not have ample time to go to Kibale national Park for Chimpanzee tracking while the Northern  Bank is where drama unfolds with over 76 Species of Mammals,451 Species of Birds some of which can be seen on the other side of the River. Animals like Lions,Cape Buffalo,Giraffes,hyenas,Warthogs,Elephants,Crocodiles,Leopards,schools of Hippos etc and over 20 species of antelopes including the Uganda Kob that features on the National Emblem

The highlight of any tour to this park however, is the Boat Cruise on river Nile that takes you to a point where the longest River in the World forces its way through a 5 Metre Gorge producing one of the most  spectacular scene and the most thunderous roar that can be heard from miles away. Hiking to the top gives you additional scenes of the Nile from the top as it plunges into the Gorge and how it escapes leaving magnificent all the time rainbow

How to get There

At 305km2 from Kampala,The park can be accessed directly through Entebbe International Airport to Pakuba Air Field in the Park, whoever through the road the park can be reached via the Masindi  Kichumbanyabo or Masindi via Buliisa Gate.Alternatively your can choose to use the Tangi gate near Chobe or Pakwach Gate. The choice of the route can be determined by many factors including your accommodation,departure time from Kampala or Distance from your Origin or next destination.

3,893 km²
76 Species
451 Species
Uganda Wildlife Authority
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