Magical Semuliki & Sempaya Hotsprings

Semuliki National Park Facts

Traveling here will take you to Semuliki National Park, located on an area of 220 sq km, find Bwamba County in Western Uganda in the district of Bundibugyo near Fortpotal. The park harbors a branch of the rain forest Congo’s Ituri. It is home to some 52 species of mammals, 300 species of registered fruit, 374 species of butterflies and over 400 species of birds, making it one of Uganda’s best birding spots and ideal destination for honeymoon and group photo holidays

Tourist Attractions & Activities 

If you are  a birder travelling to Uganda, this is Uganda’s most rewarding destination with hundreds on bird species at Sempaya and Ntandi areas whereas the hot spring will prepare for you a quick snack boiled while on your nature walk  but like any other game park in Uganda semuliki harbors numerous wildlife including elephants,warthogs,buffalos ,waterbucks among others

Boil your hotspring snack in 10 minutes!  The best Place for Bird Watching & Honeymoon Holiday in Uganda

Game viewing in Semuliki Valley National Park’s open savannah grasses is excellent. Even without entering Semuliki National Park, a scenic drive around it will bring you closer to the wonderful beauty that surrounds the Park. A drive to the hot springs of Sempaya brings you across the Rift Valley to Congo, where you can do monkey and chimpanzee tracking,but chimpanzees are available during the wet season when the forest fig trees have fruits

If you doubt what natures offers,Sempaya hot springs show us perhaps why nature should never be under estimated because at this point during you nature walk in the monkey filled and bird abundant Semuliki,you encounter one of the travelers favorite spot- These hot-springs that boil at a remarkable heat temperature that temps most tourists to make a quick delicacy of mainly Boiled Eggs and green banana that can be ready  to be served within 10 minutes

The hunter-gatherer culture of the Batwa means that they have always been dependent for food, shelter, medicine, and resources on Semliki forest, although this is starting to change as a result of contact with other local communities. Tourism provides the Batwa with an additional source of income and provides them with the ability to maintain and highlight their rich cultural heritage through music and dance

How to get There

Two major road lead to Fort Portal that is to Say Kampala Via Mubende and Kampala Via Mbarara but the most determinant factor is your place of origin or next destination.Fort Portal is 290 km( 4.5Hours) while Fort Portal via Mbarara is 465 km( 7 Hours),while Semuliki from Fort Portal Town is 60 km( 1 Hour)

220 km2
435 Species
53 Species
Uganda Wildlife Authority
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